Friday, November 22, 2013

The good, the bad and the UGLY!

I know it is tempting to try to save a little money these days by printing your professionally done photos at a consumer lab like Target or (cringe!) Wal-Mart.  In my humble opinion, if you've just spent money on a photo shoot and now you have all these great photos, why on earth would you have them printed at a lab that is just going to make them look horrible?!  STOP THE MADNESS!!  These are your priceless memories, this is one area that you might want to consider spending a little money to preserve!  Here is a comparison done by Erin Noie (via Alaina Bos Photography's blog) that compares a few labs (Target, Walgreens and Wal-Mart).  The results are pretty eye-opening!  In this case, Target is the clear loser here.  The poor kid is ORANGE, for pete's sake!


And in case I didn't mention it before.....DO NOT PRINT AT WAL-MART!!!!  Take a look at this example from Beck Impressions Photography.  This is ridiculous. 

As a photographer, I work REALLY hard to make sure that I give my clients the best images that I can produce.  When photo labs like these just totally ruin what we work so hard for, it makes me a little sick!  There are some good alternatives to printing at these labs, mostly online.  MPix is really the best non-pro lab there is.  Shutterfly is also pretty good.  The rest are kind of a toss-up, sometimes you'll get great prints, sometimes you won't!  Anyway, I hope this helps you decide where you want to print (if you aren't getting your prints through me).

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What to wear......what to wear......

It's picture time again!  Christmas Mini Sessions are right around the corner and I have recently had a bunch of my clients ask me what they should wear to their session.  I have a pretty good idea of what looks good through my lens but it's hard to define "coordinating colors" especially if you're like me and need to actually see things before they make sense.  So, of course, I consulted my BFF, Pinterest.  Ahhh, she always comes through for me!  Here are just a few of the awesome ideas.  I hope it helps!  :) 


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fall Mini Sessions :: Oklahoma City Family Photography

Fall is my very favorite time of year.  I especially love love LOVE shooting during the fall and my fall mini sessions turned out amazing!  Here are just a few of my favorites from these shoots!  

Melissa, Daniella & Mackenzie

Daniella just HAD to have a "silly face" photo!  

Mackenzie wasn't 100% sure she liked the

Hunter, Amanda & Avery
You may recognize that blue-eyed beauty from my Halloween minis.  Her mama is just as beautiful!  I just loooooove this sweet little family!

Phil, Vivianna and Izzrael
Another familiar face!  Mickey Mouse brought his parents back for some family photos!  Haha

I love that little face!  He is SO cute!!

Heather & Jeremy

Destiny, Navaeh, Kendrick and Hunter
These kiddos were such characters! 

Halloween Mini Sessions :: Oklahoma City Family Photography

First of all, let me just say "Sorry!"  I am painfully, woefully, hopelessly behind on this blog.  I made a promise to myself awhile ago (ahem...QUITE awhile ago...) that I would blog my sessions and as you can see, that has not happened.  I am the reigning, undisputed queen of procrastination.  I would make myself a crown, but....well....I'll just do it tomorrow.....

Now on to the cuteness!!  I had the cutest little clients come out for my Halloween Mini Sessions, it was just too much!  Enjoy!  :)

Alice in Wonderland (a.k.a. Miss Ava!)  Just look at that face!  I think someone's a little guilty!

Meet Izzrael!  Just the cutest Mickey Mouse!

Gentry was such a cute Tinkerbell!

Miss Avery was an adorable little kitty cat!

We all had so much fun with these sessions!  All the kiddos were so cute in their costumes!